Biking Tips for a Healthy Spine

Nowadays, biking is used as a recreational activity, a sport and for exercising. However, if you are not careful you can develop serious injuries in your neck and/or the back. Therefore, basic biking tips, safety measures and how you are required to handle yourself when biking are important. Some of the factors that determine your biking style include the terrain, the type of bike you are riding, purpose of riding the bike (recreational/sport/exercising) and your body weight and height. This article will help you understand some of the tips to follow when enjoying outdoor biking:

When biking or looking to buy a bike you should choose a bike that is comfortable. Some people prefer a bike that has more shock absorption or has large tires to avoid developing jolts to the spine. Alternatively, you can customize your bike to suit your requirements. Therefore, you can change the position of the seat, handlebars etc. to avoid developing neck or back pain.

Even though you know how to ride a bike, you need to understand the extent of your biking skills as well as your surroundings to minimize chances of injury. For instance, if you have not ridden a bike for a long period of time, there is a high chance that you will develop back/neck pain. Consequently, if you are on a vacation or you are riding in a place you are not familiar, you might get into a situation where you cannot control the bike well or use a route that’s too bumpy or rough. Therefore, checking the reviews from other bikers and researching the area is very important to reduce the risk of injury.

It’s important to not drink and ride. Due to the fact that drinking alcohol impairs judgment, makes you tired and thus increases your chances of getting injured. Therefore, you should avoid drinking alcohol if you are planning to ride a bike.

Lastly, using protective gear e.g. a helmet reduces the chances of injuring your head or your neck in case you are involved in an accident or a fall. Also, you can consider wearing gloves, kneecap protective gear and goggles to prevent debris and dirt from entering into your eyes.
If you follow these helpful tips, you will reduce the risk of head and /or neck pain significantly. Conclusively, if you sustain any injuries or you suspect to have any injuries during or after biking, seek medical attention from an experienced doctor as soon as possible.


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